Juan Touriño logo_linkedin

Full Professor of Computer Engineering                                                                         

(Catedrático de Universidad - Área de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores)  

Juan Touriño - Photo

          ORCID        ResearcherID (Web of Science)        Teaching/research profile at UDC               

     University of A Coruña -
            Email: juan@udc.es                                                                        
1.14, Faculty of Informatics               
+34-981167000     Fax: +34-981167160                       

            Mailing Address:
                     Department of Computer Engineering
                     Faculty of Informatics
                     University of A Coruña
                     Campus de Elviña s/n, 15071 A Coruña, Spain     

Member of CITIC (Research Center on Information and Communication Technologies)     logo CITIC

Short Bio


B.S. , M.S.  (1993) in Informatics, University of A Coruña
Ph.D. (1998) in Computer Engineering, University of A Coruña


PI of the Computer Architecture Group at the University of A CoruñaComputer Architecture Group -
Member of HiPEAC, European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation (EU Horizon Europe Programme) logo-HiPEAC

My primary research interest is in the area of High Performance Computing (HPC) at all levels: architectures, operating systems, networks, compilers, programming languages/libraries, algorithms and applications. My research lines are:
  My other research interest is Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applied to land management and weather forecast (also cross-cutting with HPC)

Technology Transfer

Co-Founder of the start-up Torus Software Solutions (solutions in the areas of Big Data, HPC and microservices)        logo Torus

Publications (partly included in the DBLP Server)

Professional Service          

Past Students

Last Update: 17-Jul-2024