Juan Touriņo (Oviedo, 1970) received a B.S. in Informatics in 1993 (Best
Student Record Award) and a PhD in Computer Engineering in 1998 (Best PhD
Thesis Award), both at the University of A Coruņa (UDC), Spain. He
completed his education through research visits to the Edinburgh Parallel
Computing Center (UK) and to the CINECA Supercomputing Center (Bologna,
Italy). He has been teaching at the Faculty of Computer Science of UDC
since 1993 and was promoted to the position of Full Professor in 2007
through the "National Habilitation" process. His main research area is
High Performance Computing (HPC), covering a wide range of research
topics: high performance communications, networks and architectures,
programming languages and compilers for HPC, parallel and distributed
algorithms & applications, HPC support for Big Data, cloud computing
and, in general, software for HPC. Another active research area is
Geographic Information Systems (GIS), mainly cross-cutting with HPC
topics. As of December 2016 he has published 160 papers on these lines in
international journals and conferences (e.g. ACM/IEEE Supercomputing, ACM
GRID, ACM GIS, IEEE Big Data, etc.), and has advised 7 PhD Theses (5 of
them with the European or International Mention, and 4 of them awarded as
Best PhD Thesis). Prof. Touriņo has participated in 136 national and
international R&D projects, contracts and networks (in 60 of them as
PI or co-PI), funded by competitive public calls or by private
contracts. In fact, 62 of them are contracts with companies and
public administrations, with a strong commitment to technology transfer,
and culminating with the launching in 2013 of a UDC spin-off (Torus
Software Solutions) to commercialize research results of high performance
communications, Big Data and microservices. He is coauthor of one US
patent and has registered 9 software products in the IP Registry. Prof.
Touriņo has served in the Program Committee of 60 international
conferences (in 7 of them as Chair or Vice-Chair), and has been Guest
Editor in 3 international ISI-JCR journals. He has been the Head of the
Department of Electronics and Systems in the period 2009-2013.