Computer Architecture Group.


Professional Experience

+ Associate Professor at the Computer Architecture Group at the University of A Coruña (since 08/2021)
+ Assistant Professor at the Computer Architecture Group at the University of A Coruña (since 10/2016-07/2021)
+ Assistant Lecturer at the Computer Architecture Group at the University of A Coruña (02/2016-10/2016)
+ Research Associate at the Computer Architecture Group at the University of A Coruña (01/2016-02/2016)
+ Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Computer Architecture Group at the University of A Coruña (11/2014-12/2015)
+ Predoctoral Research Fellow at the Computer Architecture Group at the University of A Coruña, funded by the FPU Spanish Program (01/2012-11/2014)
+ Visiting Researcher at the Rechenzentrum Universität Mannheim (09/2013-12/2013)
+ Research Assistant at the Computer Architecture Group at the University of A Coruña (04/2011-12/2011)
+ Research Fellow at the Computer Architecture Group at the University of A Coruña (07/2009-03/2011)


+ Ph.D. (2014) in Computer Science, University of A Coruña (Spain)
+ M.S. (2011) in High Performance Computing, University of A Coruña (Spain)
+ B.S. (2010) in Computer Science, University of A Coruña (Spain)

Research Interests

+ High Performance Computing (HPC)
+ Low-latency communications on RDMA-enabled networks
+ MPJ: Message Passing in Java
+ Big Data processing frameworks (Hadoop, Spark, Flink)
+ Cloud computing and virtualization technologies
+ HPC in the cloud
+ Parallelization of data mining and bioinformatics applications
+ Serverless computing for Big Data processing


+ FastMPJ: Fast Message Passing in Java
+ BDEv: Big Data Evaluator tool
+ Flame-MR: Efficient MapReduce-based data processing
+ MarDRe: MapReduce-based parallel tool to remove duplicate DNA reads
+ BDWatchdog: Real-time monitoring and profiling of Big Data applications
+ HSP: Hadoop Sequence Parser library for FASTQ/FASTA datasets
+ HSRA: Hadoop Spliced Read Aligner for RNA sequencing data
+ ParBiBit: MPI-based parallel tool for binary biclustering
+ CUBiBit: Accelerating binary biclustering on platforms with CUDA-enabled GPUs
+ jhwloc: Java Hardware Locality library
+ SMusket: Spark k-spectrum-based error corrector for distributed-memory systems
+ CUDA-JMI: Acceleration of feature selection on heterogeneous systems
+ Serverless container platform for Big Data workloads
+ SeQual: Big Data quality control tool for batch processing of large NGS data
+ SparkEC: Speeding up alignment-based DNA error correction
+ SeQual-Stream: Big Data quality control tool for stream processing of large NGS data
+ MPI-dot2dot: A parallel tool to find DNA tandem repeats
+ BigDEC: A multi-algorithm Big Data tool for scalable short-read error correction
+ ServerlessYARN: Platform for deploying serverless YARN clusters

Teaching (Term 2024/2025)

+ Computing as a Service, Master in Computing Engineering, University of A Coruña
+ High Performance Infrastructures, Master in High Performance Computing, University of A Coruña
+ Administration of Infrastructures and Information Systems, Degree in Computer Engineering, University of A Coruña
+ High Performance Computing Infrastructures, Degree in Data Science and Engineering, University of A Coruña
+ More information on previous years

Professional Service

+ AD/AE Appendices Committee Member of the scientific conferences: SC 2025, SC 2024
+ Program Committee Member of the scientific conferences: ICCS 2024, IoTBDS 2024, ICCS 2023, IoTBDS 2023, ICCS 2022, IoTBDS 2022, ICCS 2021, IoTBDS 2021, ICICS 2020, IoTBDS 2020, ICICS 2019, IoTBDS 2019, ICICS 2018, IoTBDS 2018, CloudCom 2017, ANT 2017, ICICS 2017, IoTBDS 2017, CloudCom 2016, ICA3PP 2016, ANT 2016, ICICS 2016, ICICS 2015, SDS 2015, BigDataComputing 2014, EOOPS 2013
+ Reviewer of the scientific conferences: Euro-Par 2017, HPBDC 2017, Euro-Par 2016, EuroMPI 2016, VECPAR 2016, CloudCom-Asia 2013, AINA 2013, AINA 2012
+ Reviewer of the scientific journals: Cluster Computing, Journal of Supercomputing, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, PLOS ONE, IEEE Software, Applied Computing and Informatics, BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, IEEE Access, IETE Technical Review, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Journal of Systems and Software, The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering

Publications and Metrics

+ Google Scholar
+ ORCID (0000-0002-2077-1473)
+ WoS ResearcherID (N-5119-2015)
+ Zenodo GAC community
+ Scopus (43461218100)
+ ACM (81504687886)
+ LinkedIn
+ ResearchGate
+ GitHub

Page last modified on February 07, 2025.