[1] Raquel Concheiro, Margarita Amor, Emilio José Padrón, and Michael
Doggett. Interactive rendering of nurbs surfaces. Computer-Aided Design,
56:34–44, November 2014.
JCR 2014: Q1 (Impact factor: 1.801).
[2] Raquel Concheiro, Margarita Amor, Emilio José Padrón, Marisa Gil,
and Xavier Martorell. Rendering of bézier surfaces on handheld devices.
Journal of WSCG, 21(3):205–214, 2013.
SJR 2013: Q4.
[3] Andrés L. Sarmiento, Margarita Amor, Emilio J. Padrón, Carlos V. Regueiro, Raquel Concheiro, and Pablo Quintía. Evaluating performance of android systems as a platform for augmented reality applications. International Journal on Advances in Software, 5(3&4):335–344, 2012.
[4] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, Gabriel
Rodríguez, and Ramón Doallo. Parallel hierarchical radiosity on hybrid
platforms. Journal of Supercomputing, 58(3):357–366, 2011.
JCR 2011: Q3 (Impact factor: 0.858)
CORE 2010 Journals ranking: B
SJR 2011: Q3.
[5] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, and Ramón
Doallo. Hierarchical radiosity for multiresolution systems based on normal
tests. The Computer Journal, 53(6):741–752, 2010.
JCR 2010: Q2 (Impact factor: 1.363)
CORE 2010 Journals ranking: A*
SJR 2010: Q1.
[6] Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, Emilio José Padrón, and Dirk Bartz.
Hardware oriented algorithms for rendering order-independent transparency.
The Computer Journal, 49(2):201–210, 2006.
JCR 2006: Q3 (Impact factor: 0.593)
CORE 2010 Journals ranking: A*
SJR 2006: Q1.
[7] Margarita Amor, José Rodrigo Sanjurjo, Emilio José Padrón, and
Ramón Doallo. Progressive radiosity method on clusters using a new clipping
algorithm. Int. J. High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN),
1(1/2/3):55–63, 2004.
CORE 2010 Journals ranking: B
SJR 2008: Q4.
[8] Antonio Pérez Guerra, Margarita Amor, Emilio José Padrón, and
Ramón Doallo. A high–performance progressive radiosity method based
on scene partitioning. In José M. L. M. Palma, Jack Dongarra, Vicente
Hernández, and A. Augusto Sousa, editors, High Performance Computing
for Computational Science - VECPAR 2002, volume 2565 of Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, pages 537–548. Springer, 2003.
JCR 2004: Q4 (Impact factor: 0.513)
SJR 2003: Q2.
[9] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, and Ramón
Doallo. A meshing scheme for real time surface subdivision. Journal of
WSCG, 10(2):349–356, 2002.
SJR 2014: Q4.
[1] Omar A. Mures, Alberto Jaspe, Emilio J. Padrón, and Juan R. Rabuńal. Point Cloud Manager: Applications of a Middleware for Managing Huge Point Clouds. In Effective Big Data Management and Opportunities for Implementation, chapter 13, pages 202–216. IGI Global, June 2016.
[2] Omar A. Mures, Alberto Jaspe, Emilio J. Padrón, and Juan R. Rabuńal. Virtual Reality and Point-based Rendering in Architecture and Heritage. In Handbook of Research on Visual Computing and Emerging Geometrical Design Tools, chapter 4, pages 78–95. IGI Global, April 2016.
[1] Raquel Concheiro, Margarita Amor, Emilio José Padrón, and Michael
Doggett. Efficient culling techniques for interactive deformable nurbs
surfaces on gpu. In Proc. of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision,
Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP
2016) - Volume 1: GRAPP, pages 15–25, February 2016.
CORE 2014 Conference ranking: B.
[2] Raquel Concheiro, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, and Emilio José
Padrón. Free adaptive tessellation strategy of bézier surfaces. In Proc.
of the 2014 International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and
Applications (GRAPP 2014), pages 255–263, January 2014.
CORE 2014 Conference ranking: B.
[3] Raquel Concheiro, Margarita Amor, Emilio José Padrón, Marisa Gil,
and Xavier Martorell. Rendering of bézier surfaces on handheld devices. In
Proc. of the 21st International Conference in Central Europe on Computer
Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision’2013, WSCG 2013, pages
205–214, June 2013.
CORE 2013 Conference ranking: B.
[4] Raquel Concheiro, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, Iago Iglesias,
Emilio José Padrón, and Ramón Doallo. Synthesis of multiresolution
scenes with global illumination on a gpu. In Proc. of the 2012 International
Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP
2012), pages 274–279, February 2012.
CORE 2013 Conference ranking: A.
[5] Andrés L. Sarmiento, Margarita Amor, Emilio José Padrón, and
Carlos V. Regueiro. An analysis of android smartphones as a platform for
augmented reality games. In Proc. of the Fifth International Conference
on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies
(UBICOMM 2011), pages 71–76, November 2011.
CORE 2013 Conference ranking: C.
[6] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Gabriel Rodríguez, Montserrat Bóo, and Ramón Doallo. Hierarchical radiosity on hybrid platforms. In Proc. of the 2010 International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2010, pages 730–741, June 2010.
[7] José Rodrigo Sanjurjo, Margarita Amor, Emilio José Padrón,
Montserrat Bóo, and Ramón Doallo. Uniform partitioning of monte carlo
radiosity on GPUs. In Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on
High Performance Computing and Simulation, HPCS 2010, pages 477–483,
June-July 2010.
CORE 2010 Conference ranking: B.
[8] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, and Ramón
Doallo. High performance global illumination on multi-core architectures.
In Proc. of the 17th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and
Network Based Processing, PDP 2009, pages 93–100, February 2009.
CORE 2010 Conference ranking: C.
[9] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, and Ramón Doallo. Hierarchical radiosity on SMT multi-core processors. In Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Super Visualization, IWSV 2008 (in conjunction with the 22nd ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS 2008), June 2008.
[10] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, and Ramón
Doallo. A hierarchical radiosity method with scene distribution. In Proc. of
the 15th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network Based
Processing, PDP 2007, pages 134–138, February 2007.
CORE 2010 Conference ranking: C.
[11] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, and Ramón Doallo. Improving
the performance of visibility determination in global illumination methods.
In Proc. of the 2005 International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems,
and Technology: Computer Graphics, CISST 2005, pages 265–270, June
CORE 2010 Conference ranking: C.
[12] Margarita Amor, José Rodrigo Sanjurjo, Emilio José Padrón, Antonio Pérez Guerra, and Ramón Doallo. A scene partitioning method for global illumination simulations on clusters. In Proc. of the 2nd Workshop on Hardware/Software Support for High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing, SHPSEC 2003, September-October 2003.
[13] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, and Ramón
Doallo. Efficient parallel implementations for surface subdivision. In
Proc. of the Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and
Visualization, EGPGV 2002, pages 113–121, September 2002.
CORE 2010 Conference ranking: B.
[14] Antonio Pérez Guerra, Margarita Amor, Emilio José Padrón, and
Ramón Doallo. A high–performance progressive radiosity method based on
scene partitioning. In Proc. of the 5th International Meeting on Vector and
Parallel Processing, VECPAR 2002, pages 379–390, June 2002.
CORE 2010 Conference ranking: B.
[15] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, and Ramón
Doallo. A meshing scheme for real time surface subdivision. In Proc. of the
10th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics,
Visualization and Computer Vision’2002, WSCG 2002, pages 349–356,
February 2002.
CORE 2010 Conference ranking: B.
[16] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Juan Tourińo, and Ramón
Doallo. Hierarchical radiosity on multicomputers: a load–balanced
approach. In Proc. of the 10th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing, PPSC 2001, pages 379–390, March 2001.
Citeseerx 2002: 321 (0.11).
[17] Margarita Amor, Emilio José Padrón, Juan Tourińo, and Ramón
Doallo. Scheduling of a hierarchical radiosity algorithm on a
distributed-memory multiprocessor. In Proc. of the 4th International
Meeting on Vector and Parallel Processing, VECPAR 2000, pages 581–591,
June 2000.
CORE 2010 Conference ranking: B.
[1] Omar Álvarez Mures, Emilio José Padrón, and Bruno Raffin. Leveraging the Power of Big Data Tools for Large Scale Molecular Dynamics Analysis. In Actas de las XXVII Jornadas de Paralelismo (JP2016), September 2016.
[2] Carmen Pena, Margarita Amor, and Emilio José Padrón. Implementación del gradiente conjugado en un sistema multi-gpu. In Actas de las XXIV Jornadas de Paralelismo, pages 330–335, September 2013.
[3] Andrés López Sarmiento, Margarita Amor, Carlos Vázquez Regueiro, and Emilio José Padrón. Análisis de un sistema android como plataforma para juegos de realidad aumentada. In Actas de las XXII Jornadas de Paralelismo, pages 619–624, September 2011.
[4] Diego Andrade, Emilio José Padrón, and Basilio Bernardo Fraguela. Monitorización del trabajo en prácticas usando un sistema de control de versiones. In XVI Jornadas de la Enseńanza Universitaria en Informática, JENUI’10, pages 507–510, July 2010.
[5] José Rodrigo Sanjurjo, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, Emilio José Padrón, and Ramón Doallo. Método de radiosidad de monte carlo basado en la distribución de la escena. In Actas de las XIX Jornadas de Paralelismo, September 2008.
[6] Emilio José Padrón, Rubén Troncoso, Margarita Amor, José Rodrigo Sanjurjo, and Ramón Doallo. Estudio comparativo de algoritmos de visibilidad en los modelos de iluminación global. In Actas del XIII Congreso Espańol de Informática Gráfica (CEIG 2003), pages 141–154, July 2003.
[7] Antonio Pérez Guerra, Margarita Amor, José Eiroa, Emilio José Padrón, José Rodrigo Sanjurjo, and Ramón Doallo. Método de radiosidad progresiva de alto rendimiento basado en el particionamiento de la escena. In Actas de las XIII Jornadas de Paralelismo, pages 251–256, September 2002.
[8] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Montserrat Bóo, Manuel Arenaz, and Ramón Doallo. Subdivisión de superficies en tiempo real de síntesis de imágenes 3d. In Actas de las XII Jornadas de Paralelismo, pages 295–300, September 2001.
[9] Emilio José Padrón, Margarita Amor, Juan Tourińo, Basilio Bernardo Fraguela, and Ramón Doallo. Implementación del método de radiosidad jerárquica sobre un multicomputador. In Actas de las XI Jornadas de Paralelismo, pages 317–322, September 2000.